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Marble countertops have long been revered for their stunning beauty and timeless elegance, but several myths persist about their practicality and maintenance. In this guide, we’ll debunk some of the most common misconceptions to help you understand the true benefits and characteristics of marble countertops.

Myth 1: Marble is easily stained and impractical for kitchens. While marble is more porous than granite or quartz, this doesn’t make it impractical. With proper sealing and regular maintenance, marble can resist most stains. Ensuring spills are wiped up quickly will prevent staining, and using cutting boards and coasters can mitigate potential damage.

Myth 2: Marble is always expensive. Marble can be an affordable option, especially if you choose varieties that are more abundant or locally sourced. Prices can vary, but marble can often be comparable to mid-range granite or quartz. Consulting with “marble fabricators near me” can provide a clearer picture of the cost differences and options available.

Myth 3: Marble is too soft and scratches easily. While marble is softer than granite, it’s still a viable option for countertops. Regular sealing and careful use can preserve the surface’s integrity, keeping it free from scratches. Using chopping boards and avoiding dragging pots or pans across the surface can also protect it.

Myth 4: All marble looks the same. One of marble’s most appealing attributes is its variety. From deep veining to subtle swirls, each marble slab is unique, offering a range of colors and patterns. “Marble fabricators near me” can showcase the diversity of options available, which can complement any home décor.

Top Myths About Marble Countertops Debunked